Shmus Views
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Shmu's Views is both a storehouse and warehouse of Jewish thought, ideas, teachings and wisdom as it pertains to everyday life, spirituality, religion, politics, culture, lifestyle, ideology and ideas. Open-minded discussion and opinions are freely expressed on all the above.
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The Last Jihad!

Who Are These People?
by: Shmuel ben Shlomi

Things are heating up significantly in the Israel-Middle East and when this occurs such as in 1948, 1967, 1973 an now since October 7, 2024 a lot of folks start talking about the prophecies found in Ezekiel Chapters 37 through 39 in the Hebrew Bible. If you haven't read it then I urge you to do so.

I can remember after the Six Day War in 1967 (I was all of 18 years old at the time) that much of the Jewish and Christian world thought this was the time but others of us felt differently because too much of Ezekiel's prophecy was still left unrealized.

The prophet lists several nations that will, in the "Last Days," amass a huge army and come up against Israel to fulfill Hitler's dream of eliminating every Jew on the planet beginning with the Jewish homeland, Israel ("The Final Solution" ). But, who are these ancient nations listed by Ezekiel? To know that we have to appreciate who they were at the time of the prophet's vision. The list includes:

Those coming ...

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September 06, 2024

by: Shmuel ben Shlomi

What is Judaism/a Jew? Is it a religion? Are we a race? While the answer is complicated, at least to some, including many Jews, it is, in reality, both.

To qualify as a religion Judaism must adhere to a certain body of ideas, concepts, rules, laws or commandments to be followed. Certainly Judaism is that; being composed of a list of commands given by the Creator and listed in a law code known as the Torah (Instruction) consisting of a total of 613 mitzvot (commandments) governing one’s behavior, attitude, daily practices and organization of worship of said Creator.

There was a time when Judaism was thought to be only a religion and not a race. That view is still held by a great many Jews in the 21st Century CE even those Jews who are not particularly religious in their day to day practice of Judaism.

As a religion Judaism has been around as an organized system of religious codex for over 3,300 years under the tutelage of Moses. However, as a race, Judaism is nearly ...

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September 04, 2024

PM Gives Emergency Press Conference in Jerusalem

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu STANDS FIRM on Israel's "Red Lines" in Gaza, Lebanon border and within Judea and Samaria. WILL NOT BOW DOWN to American or International pressure to leave the Philadelphia Corridor.

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