Shmus Views
News • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
Shmu's Views is both a storehouse and warehouse of Jewish thought, ideas, teachings and wisdom as it pertains to everyday life, spirituality, religion, politics, culture, lifestyle, ideology and ideas. Open-minded discussion and opinions are freely expressed on all the above.
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October 02, 2024
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October 03, 2024

A MUST SEE: Rabbi Friedman delivers his Rosh HaShanah Message

October 02, 2024


בצלם אלקים - b'Tzelem Elokim
All Living Souls are made in the Divine Image, therefore, all creation is a Fractal of the Image of Source.

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October 02, 2024

An Iranian elite intelligence unit aimed at thwarting Mossad activity was thoroughly infiltrated by the Mossad, said former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a bombshell interview with CNN Turkey

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